Who Pays for The Paparazzi Jewelry Hostess Free Products?

Who Pays for the Paparazzi Jewelry Hostess Rewards?

So if you are seriously looking at being a jewelry lady, you are probably wondering who pays for the rewards to the party hostesses!

Did I read your mind?  Or maybe you haven’t thought about it at all, but now you are wondering!

As a Paparazzi jewelry lady, you get to order your jewelry at a discount.  Each piece is only $2.75.  When you order 10 pieces, Paparazzi sends you 1 free pre-selected piece of jewelry.  So if you order 50 pieces of jewelry, you get 5 free pieces!  If you order 120 pieces, you get 12 pieces of bonus jewelry free!!

These pieces are called “hostess rewards” when you are checking out and on the package when you get your order.  They are meant to help replace the pieces you give to your hostess for free for hosting a party and for party sales.

Paparazzi rules are that hostesses get 10% of the party sales in hostess rewards.  That means that if her party has $250 in sales, the bare minimum you should give her as a reward is $25 in jewelry (or 5 pieces).

I like to spoil my hostesses so I give them a  few more pieces than that.  I figure, they are introducing me to their friends, helping my business grow and taking time out of their lives for me, so the least I can do is give them some amazing jewelry for free, right?

But, to answer the original question, Paparazzi does give you some jewelry to offset what you give as hostess rewards.  No, you don’t have to add to that, but I highly recommend it!!

So are you ready to get started?