Why is Paparazzi Jewelry Fun?

Why is Paparazzi Jewelry fun?  Here are a few of my favorite reasons to be a part of Paparazzi Accessories!

Why is Paparazzi Jewelry Fun?

 We make new friends ALL the time

With Paparazzi, you have the chance to meet new people at the parties you do, at any events you are at and even at the Paparazzi events you attend too!  Some of my best friends are people that I have met because of my Paparazzi business!  I get encouragement, support, love and even some great laughs from my friends that are all over the US!  If you want to make some new friends – this is a fun, exciting way to do just that!

There is NO party like a Paparazzi Par-tay

Whether you are at a Paparazzi home party, online party or Paparazzi convention, there is no party like a Paparazzi party!  We don’t have any demonstrations or speeches to memorize.  Our parties are open-house style where people can come and go as they please!

Since ALL our products are only $5, the party guests feel like they can buy what they like and there is no pressure to spend more than they should or buy something that they don’t want or need.

Paparazzi Convention is a chance to party like no other!!  Consultants travel from all over the US to meet together, learn and party!!



AND so much more!!  We played games, laughed and talked until we had no voices left and the surprise announcements were AMAZING!!  Most of the time, I was too busy hugging friends and making new friends to document all the fun, but suffice it to say, it is a BLAST!

Bras are optional

When I am at home doing online parties, 90% of the time I’m in my pj’s with my kids running around playing and screaming all around me.  It is great!  My husband’s job can be a little unpredictable and so having live parties can be a little tricky, so our solution is online parties!  I can have my kids being crazy or Frozen playing in the background for like the bazillionth time AND make money too.  And let’s be honest….I can even party without makeup or a bra!  It doesn’t get much better than that!

On the other hand, I can also get dressed up and go out for a little mommy time when I want to have a night away from my kiddos!  It is a nice chance to unwind, talk to other grown ups, have fun, and make money at the same time!!  It’s totally a win win!!

So are you ready to get started?

Join Paparazzi Accessories