Etra FREE Jewelry in new Business kits in March!!

Etra FREE Jewelry in new Business kits in March!!

FREE jewelry in ALL of our Biz starter kits in March! 

Sample Kit ($99) = 6 FREE bonus pieces of jewelry
Small Party in a Box Starter Kit ($299) = 24 FREE BONUS pieces of jewelry
Large Party in a Box Starter Kit ($499) = 40 FREE BONUS pieces of jewelry
So you get ALLLLLLL that extra jewelry to sell (at pure profit I might add) PLUS...
  • Work from Home
  • Discount on jewelry for you for a YEAR or more
  • Holiday cash
  • Flexible schedule
  • Great training
  • team support
  • Step by Step instructions to get started
  • LOTS of ways to sell (and I teach you ALL of them)
  • No monthly or annual fees
  • FREE website

And SO much more!  If you want to know more, reply to this message.  OR, if you are just ready to get your own Paparazzi business started.....


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